The Breed

In motion, the Boerboel just might be the most agile of all mastiff types.   The imposing Boerboel is devoted to protecting the people and places he loves. This is a trainable, versatile breed, eager to spend time with their adored humans.

The Breed

Breed Info

At Northern Boerboels, our dedication to the breed emphasizes not only their physical prowess but, more importantly, their suitability as cherished family members. Explore our Boerboel lineage, and witness firsthand the extraordinary qualities that make them not just protectors but beloved companions, seamlessly integrating into the warmth and love of family life.

Boerboels are intimidating but discerning guardians of home and family who learned their trade while protecting remote South African homesteads from ferocious predators. They are dominant and confident, also bright and eager to learn.

There’s a no-frills, no-nonsense quality to this sleek-coated avenger, who might stand as high as 27 inches at the shoulder and weigh as much as you do. A broad and blocky head, powerful jaws, and thick muscles from neck to rump mark it as a descendant of the ancient ‘molloser’ dog family, the foundation of today’s mastiff-type breeds.

In motion, the Boerboel just might be the most agile of all mastiff types.   The imposing Boerboel is devoted to protecting the people and places he loves. Training and socialization should begin early, before a pup becomes a dominant adult. This is a trainable, versatile breed, eager to spend time with their adored humans.


The Boerboel has all the makings of a true guard dog. From its large, blocky head, strong jaw, and powerfully-muscled body these dogs are up to almost any task.Their working blood means they can withstand long days and, as one of the largest mastiff breeds around, they can do more than almost any other dog. Athletic and quite agile, despite its large size, the Boerboel is the picture of strength and power. This dog’s well-proportioned body makes it quick, while maintaining the endurance of a horse.

Boerboels are highly intelligent and are exceptionally devoted to their families . A fun-loving freethinker, the Boerboel takes well to training when it’s done in a positive manner with lots of food rewards, praise, and play.


The Boerboel is a generally healthy breed, but can encounter some health problems over his lifetime. Responsible breeders will screen for the breed’s potential health concerns. The most common are hip and elbow dysplasia.


Boerboels need exercise in order to stay in shape, recharge their brains, and maintain good health. Daily activity also seems to help boerboels fight boredom, which often has the potential to lead to to difficult behavior. Some outside playtime can cure most of your boerboel’s desires to retrieve, dig, chew, chase and herd.

Exercise needs vary based on your boerboel’s age and his level of health. They are somewhat easy to train thanks to their devotion and intelligence. Boerboels are not the most social dogs, and while they love spending time with their families, they are quite wary of strangers.


Recommended daily amount: Food should be in front of puppies at all times. Raw food mixed with a daily vitamin mix of dry puppy food until they grow older. This will keep their bones dense and their growth to its maximum potential. High Quality raw and dry food 2 cups divided into two meals per day.


The Boerboel breed is fairly easy to groom and will enjoy every minute of the attention it receives. Due to their short, dense, sleek coat, they are easy to brush, and a monthly bath and an occasional dip are all that is needed to keep them looking their best. With regular grooming, they have an average shedding rate.

27+ Inches
9 - 11 Years
130 - 200 Pounds
The History

Boerboel Breed History

The Boerboel, a majestic and powerful breed, has a rich history deeply intertwined with the cultural tapestry of South Africa. Originally bred by Dutch settlers who arrived in the Cape of Good Hope in the mid-1600s, the Boerboel emerged as a robust and versatile working dog, adept at guarding homesteads and farms in the challenging landscapes of southern Africa.

Boerboels were selectively bred to meet the demanding requirements of life on the frontier. These dogs needed to be fearless protectors, able to guard against predators, such as lions and hyenas, while also being trustworthy companions for the families they served. The result was a breed known for its loyalty, intelligence, and formidable strength.

The development of the Boerboel involved a fusion of various breeds brought to South Africa by settlers, including Mastiffs, Bulldogs, and indigenous African dogs. This blending of diverse lineages contributed to the distinctive characteristics that define the Boerboel today.

As the years passed, the Boerboel gained recognition not only for its exceptional working abilities but also for its gentle nature and loyalty. In the late 20th century, concerted efforts were made to standardize the breed, and in 1983, the South African Boerboel Breeders’ Association was established.Today, Boerboels have found their way into homes worldwide, cherished for their protective instincts, intelligence, and affectionate demeanor. The breed's adaptability has made it a sought-after choice for families, farmers, and dog enthusiasts alike.

Children friendly

Boerboels get along well with children, they are protective, kind and loving. Often they are used as service dogs.

Can be alone

If you want an outdoor dog who can be left alone, they are very self sufficient. (redo?)

Excellent housekeeper

The Boerboel dog breed is a born guard dog who absolutely loves their family. Boerboels make excellent watchdogs and will alert their people to approaching strangers.

Exercise Liked

Boerboels enjoy exercise. Teach them new tricks to keep their mind active and have a few puzzle toys around the house for them to solve. A tuckered out Boerboel is a happy and obedient pup.
The Breed

What Is a Boerboel

Boerboels are muscular, well-built dogs with a distinctive broad head and a short, sleek coat. Their prominent dewlaps and muscular bodies contribute to their imposing appearance. Their ears are typically medium-sized and can be either floppy or semi-erect. The breed's tail is usually docked, though this practice may vary.

Despite their imposing size, Boerboels are known for their even temperament and loyalty. They are affectionate with their families, making them excellent family guardians. Boerboels are intelligent and trainable, and their protective instincts make them natural watch and guard dogs. Early socialization and consistent training are essential to ensure they grow into well-behaved and balanced companions.

NABBA PARENTS SCORES: 90.9% + 90.1% (Current litter available)

Located in CANADA all our Boerboels are raised in beautiful newly built kennel completed in 2021.  They are raised in a loving and well maintained environment with affection and training regiments daily.


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